
Price: $0 (GPL'd FreeWare)

Current Version: 1.0

Date Modified: Feb. 6, 2001


Igniter.exe is a windows program (Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, probably Windows XP) that will open a file called "index.html" when a CD is inserted into the drive. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the Autorun feature of windoze.

In simple terms, Igniter.exe answers the age-old question of, "How can I open an HTML document using Autorun CDs?" (Okay, so that question is in there for the search engines. So what??!!?)

Autorun has trouble opening documents (such as HTML files), but has no problem launching applications (like Igniter.exe). To this end, Igniter.exe is simply an application that asks Windoze to open a document. The document will be opened using whatever program is associated with the file extension. In the case of Igniter.exe, the file to be opened MUST be named "index.html". So the file will be opened with the program associated with ".html" (typically a browser, unless you have a weird setup).




To use Igniter.exe simply place Igniter.exe, the included Autorun.inf file, and your index.html file at the root level of your CD.

Upon insert Igniter.exe will automatically launch the file called "index.html" in the default browser. If the browser is not open it will be launched.


If it does not work one of the following could be the cause:


Revision History

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(keys: Joe Laffey, Laffey, USS Laffey, U.S.S. Laffey, Laffey Computer, Laffey Computer Imaging, Laffey software RPL rpl r.p.l. Whatmask, WHATMASK, What Mask, UNIX, Mac, Linux, Windows, igniter, autorun, autorun.inf start HTML default.htm, index.html Open an HTML document on startup, autoipen an html document, autorun and html file)
rplunder other domainIgniter

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